Non Profit Usage Distribution in the Top 1 Million Sites

Statistics for websites using Non Profit technologies

Top In Non Profit Usage Distribution in the Top 1 Million Sites
Technology Websites %
MediaWiki 3,689 0.37
Blackbaud 567 0.06
Statamic 400 0.04
ASI 259 0.03
CiviCRM 204 0.02
Salsa Labs 95 0.01
Jackson River Springboard 53 0.01
Convio 45 0
Wild Apricot 34 0
Kindful 31 0
Abila 29 0
DonorView 21 0
SilkStart 5 0
eCarList 1 0

5,588 Detections

of Non Profit in the Top 1 Million Sites. Last updated 11th Sep 2024.

MediaWiki MediaWiki is currently the most popular technology in this category.
