Wiki Usage Distribution on the Entire Internet

Statistics for websites using Wiki technologies

Top In Wiki Usage Distribution on the Entire Internet
Technology Websites %
MediaWiki 40,254 0.05
DokuWiki 28,323 0.03
Atlassian Confluence 12,212 0.01
Wiki.js 12,054 0.01
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 1,249 0.78
XWiki 813 0.85
TiddlyWiki 715 0.74
BlueSpice 381 0.4
TWiki 97 0.1
JSPWiki 34 0.04
ScrewTurn Wiki 31 0.03
Foswiki 8 0.01
Wikispaces 4 0

96,175 Detections

of Wiki on the Entire Internet. Last updated 11th Sep 2024.

MediaWiki MediaWiki is currently the most popular technology in this category.
