Usage Distribution on the Entire Internet

Distribution for websites using technologies

Top In Usage Distribution on the Entire Internet
Technology Websites %
Javascript 147,727,074 11.38
HTML5 DocType 141,590,236 10.91
Cascading Style Sheets 114,925,961 8.85
HTML 5 Specific Tags 74,459,045 5.74
Meta Description 72,468,957 5.58
X-UA-Compatible 45,780,229 3.53
Canonical Content Tag 45,284,112 3.49
Open Graph Protocol 43,776,070 3.37
Meta Robot 40,732,924 3.14
Meta Keywords 36,779,361 2.83
Conditional Comments 34,553,317 2.66
WAI-ARIA 33,105,874 2.55
Twitter Cards 29,881,013 2.3
IFrame 24,719,936 1.9
Twitter Bootstrap 23,390,572 1.8
Content Type Options 23,286,044 1.79
srcset 20,953,689 1.61
oEmbed 20,951,846 1.61
JSON-LD 20,464,304 1.58
Strict Transport Security 19,793,396 1.52
Friends Network 18,243,963 1.41
Font Face Rule 17,499,811 1.35
Microdata 17,452,148 1.34
Windows 8 Pinning 17,170,473 1.32
HTTP2 16,194,186 1.25
X-Frame-Options 15,203,522 1.17
X-XSS-Protection 13,217,291 1.02
XHTML Transitional 10,767,092 0.83
Javascript Defer 10,377,896 0.8
Google Chrome IE Frame 10,237,897 0.79
Cache Control 8,213,633 0.63
DNS Prefetch 7,971,061 0.61
Content Security Policy 7,923,021 0.61
Report URI CSP 7,796,537 0.6
SameSite None 6,803,151 0.52
Web App Manifest 6,440,033 0.5
HTML5 Boilerplate 6,355,949 0.49
HTML 4.01 Transitional DTD 6,223,345 0.48
Skype Toolbar 5,805,763 0.45
Referrer Policy 5,622,436 0.43
P3P Policy 4,855,328 0.37
Frameset 4,825,894 0.37
HREF Lang 4,702,932 0.36
Google Plus One Snippet 4,458,463 0.34
Sub Resource Integrity 4,358,624 0.34
SameSite Lax 4,132,645 0.32
HTML 5 Video Audio Tags 4,114,601 0.32
CORS 3,802,204 0.29
XHTML Strict 3,498,774 0.27
Picture Element 3,179,329 0.24
Revisit After 2,937,713 0.23
HTML 4 / 4.01 Strict 2,765,107 0.21
CSRF Token 2,496,610 0.19
Handheld Friendly 1,858,248 0.14
OpenSearch 1,727,751 0.13
Facebook Page Administration 1,545,981 0.12
Image Map 1,522,095 0.12
Image Tool Bar 1,081,484 0.08
Content Style Type 1,050,480 0.08
Marquee 1,007,672 0.08
WebP 957,645 0.07
Pinterest Domain Verify 838,025 0.06
SameSite Strict 541,549 0.04
Geographic Information 510,551 0.04
Feature Policy 439,551 0.03
iPad Compatible 427,877 0.03
OpenID 339,040 0.03
Prefers Color Scheme 278,294 0.02
XHTML RDFa 1.0 272,157 0.02
Microsoft Office 250,170 0.02
MS Smart Tag Prevention 236,946 0.02
Cross Origin Opener Policy 235,745 0.02
Purl 229,551 0.02
Unsemantic 195,608 0.02 175,322 0.01
Cross Origin Resource Sharing 157,718 0.01
RDF 156,277 0.01
XHTML Vocabulary 148,980 0.01
Creative Commons 116,338 0.01
App Links 114,576 0.01
FOAF 108,280 0.01
SIOC 106,234 0.01
SKOS 106,161 0.01
Platform for Internet Content Selection 99,791 0.01
Google Plus One Publisher 94,684 0.01
Frontpage Proprietary Tags 91,575 0.01
GNU Terry Pratchett 84,227 0.01
Humans TXT 71,781 0.01
M3U Stream 65,315 0.01
Pinterest No Pin 57,962 0
GoDaddy SSL Certificate 57,605 0
Blink Element 55,605 0
Restricted to Adults Label 54,879 0
GoodRelations 51,433 0
Safe for Kids 50,713 0
Norton Safe Web 50,078 0
Applet 46,959 0
Document Class 31,893 0
Document Rights 25,308 0
relogo 20,302 0
sIFR 19,718 0
Public Key Pins HPKP 17,668 0
Universal Edit Button 16,934 0
Normalize CSS 14,574 0
Starfield SSL 12,128 0
Application Cache 9,125 0
VBScript 7,745 0
Cross-Origin Embedder Policy 7,134 0
HTML Imports 6,446 0
RTMP Stream 5,585 0
GeoTrust Verification 5,290 0
CEOP 4,925 0
ICRA 4,232 0
Object Orientated CSS 3,118 0
Thawte SSL Certificate 2,803 0
User Trust Service by Comodo 1,648 0
vCard 1,370 0
RASCi 772 0
ACAP 673 0
PubSubHubbub 645 0
eGMS 559 0
Outline Processor Markup Language 237 0
Edge Side Includes 187 0
CommonTag 184 0
AGLS 135 0
Version Control Microformat 68 0
OExchange 47 0
Human Headers 22 0
Adobe Cross Domain Configuration 16 0
WebFinger 5 0
Sunset 3 0
Web Intents 1 0
Grid Style Sheets 1 0

1,298,161,811 Detections

of Document Standards on the Entire Internet. Last updated 11th Sep 2024.

Javascript Javascript is currently the most popular technology in this category.
