Data Management Platform Usage Distribution in Taiwan

Statistics for websites using Data Management Platform technologies

Top In Data Management Platform Usage Distribution in Taiwan
Technology Websites %
Adobe Audience Manager 44 38.6
Treasure Data 30 26.32
Turn 21 18.42
Juicer DMP 6 5.26
Cedexis 4 3.51
Salesforce Audience Studio 2 1.75
Squadata 2 1.75
Google Audience Center 360 2 1.75
Wyng Digital 1 0.88
Antsomi CDP 365 1 0.88
Kleber DataTools 1 0.88

226 Detections

of Data Management Platform in Taiwan. Last updated 18th Dec 2024.

BlueKai DMP BlueKai DMP is currently the most popular technology in this category.
