Data Management Platform Usage Distribution in United Kingdom

Statistics for websites using Data Management Platform technologies

Top In Data Management Platform Usage Distribution in United Kingdom
Technology Websites %
Adobe Audience Manager 1,322 46.75
Turn 475 16.8
Squadata 218 7.71
Treasure Data 209 7.39
Cedexis 168 5.94
Bizo 157 5.55
Spotler Activate 87 3.08
Salesforce Audience Studio 84 2.97
Aidata ME 54 1.91
Outplay 15 0.53
Wyng Digital 11 0.39
Dengage 10 0.35
O2MC Dimml 7 0.25
Observable 5 0.18
Juicer DMP 3 0.11
Antsomi CDP 365 1 0.04
Brightflow AI 1 0.04
AdStanding 1 0.04

3,636 Detections

of Data Management Platform in United Kingdom. Last updated 18th Dec 2024.

Adobe Audience Manager Adobe Audience Manager is currently the most popular technology in this category.
